Think You Can’t Buy A Home? Think Again. Introducing The USDA Home Loan Program

If you're like many people who've had a bit of bad financial luck in your time, you probably believe that home ownership isn't an option for you. Perhaps you've filed bankruptcy in the past, have less than a perfect credit score, or simply can't save up the required down payment. Fortunately, you do have options concerning home ownership that you may not be aware of. For instance, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has a home loan program targeted toward those who can't qualify for mortgages with traditional lenders. Read More 

Tasks Your Property Manager Will Handle For You With Your Rental

Buying a rental property can be a good investment, providing you passive income and building equity in the property, but there is a great deal of responsibilities that come along with being the landlord and owner of a rental property. You need to know and understand your area's landlord and tenant laws so you can fairly manage your rental property. But when you hire the services of a professional property manager, they will take care of a majority of the work for you. Read More 

Home Buying Beginner Mistakes To Avoid

If the time has finally come and you've found that (almost) perfect dream home, some special care must be taken to ensure that mistakes are kept to a bare minimum. It's easy to get so excited about the process, particularly if you are a first-time home buyer, that you could fall into one of several common pitfalls. Thinking you don't need help: The internet has opened up the real estate world in a big way, and it would be foolish not to take advantage of it. Read More 

Questions To Ask Before Renting An Apartment In A Luxury Apartment In A Competitive City

If you want to rent a luxury apartment in a house where such apartments are highly sought after, you shouldn't approach it like you would any other kind of property rental. At the same time, there are checks and balances you should put in place to ensure your success. Your search for such an apartment should include asking real estate agents the following questions: How Many Things Are Included in the Rent? Read More 

Two Tips For Selling Your Home In A Short Sale

No likes losing their home because of a bank foreclosure. However, you can avoid this outcome and possibly save your credit score in the process by unloading your home in a short sale. Going this route can be challenging, but here are two tips for getting through it and successfully selling your home. Ask for a Commitment A short sale is a somewhat risky way to sell your home because you could end up in foreclosure court if the buyer bails on you at the last moment. Read More