For a lot of people, their first major investment is a rental property. However, just because you own a property does not mean that you are equipped, ready, or willing to manage it. By taking advantage of hired tenant services, you will be able to have the peace of mind that your property is looked after without worrying about the day to day operation. This way, you'll be able to just allow the checks to come in, knowing that your management company is taking care of the heavy lifting.
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When you move, you have more than just your items to worry about. You have the potential disaster of a house you are leaving behind. Rather than try to clean up after years of dwelling on your own, allow professional services to do your move out cleaning for you. Learn what they can do for you to make your house look as if you've never lived there.
Wall washing
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Dry cleaning is not particularly expensive, but the costs can add up over time. If you're looking to reduce your dry cleaning bill in the long run, it's useful to extend the time between dry cleaning sessions. Of course, you can't show up to work in a dirty suit jacket or sweaty silk scarf. Use these tips to keep your dry-clean-only items cleaner, so you can wait longer between sessions at places like Cove Cleaners.
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Gophers can wreak havoc in your garden or lawn. They love to create huge holes in your landscape, often destroying any vegetation in the immediate vicinity of the holes. Unfortunately, it's not possible to use a fence (as you would with deer) to keep gophers out of your yard. If it is illegal in your location or unacceptable to you personally to shoot these gophers, you'll have to find a way to discourage them from even wanting to visit your yard to begin with.
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Keeping your guns cleaned and maintained is only one aspect of firearm maintenance. You also need to take care of the gun safe where you store them. A lack of safe maintenance can compromise accessibility and lead to gun and ammunition damage.
Tip #1: Dust It Down
Dust and dirt can settle on your gun safe, working its way into locking mechanisms or compromising the quality of the finish. The simplest way to prevent this is to dust your safe once monthly so the dusty residue doesn't have a chance to build up.
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