Creating Space | How To Maximize Floor Area In A Tiny Apartment

If you are having to downsize to a smaller apartment, it can seem like a major chore to fit all of your belongings into an area that is much smaller than what you are used to and still have room to live. It may seem nearly impossible, but with a little creative thinking and an innovative strategy, you can make a small apartment work, and even better, you can actually create the illusion that you have more space than what you do. Read More 

Estate Sales: Selling Your Deceased Loved One’s Belongings And Home

If your beloved family member passes away unexpectedly, you may need help going through and selling their belongings and home. An estate sales planner understands your dilemma and may help you get through this tough time. The estate sales agent will clean out your loved one's home, garage and other structures for you. In addition, the estate planner may have your loved one's valuables and home appraised in order to obtain the maximum amount of proceeds for you. Read More 

4 Things To Look Over Before Signing A Contract With A Property Management Company

Hiring a property manager for your rental property can be extremely helpful. These managers can help you to do a number of things including finding tenants to fill your property, hiring contractors to make repairs, and more. Before you hire a property manager though, you will want to review these four things: Services Vs. Fees: All management companies are going to charge a management fee, which can be anywhere from 4% to 12%. Read More 

Home Inspections: The Most Common Issues Found

Before you purchase a new home, it's highly recommended that you enlist the help of a professional home inspector (such as one from Taylor Made Inspections). Their job is to check the main components of the home such as the roof, heating and cooling system, foundation, and major appliances. While some homes pass inspection with flying colors, some may have issues that are not easily seen with the naked eye. Here are some of the most commonly discovered issues with homes found by inspectors. Read More 

3 Ways A Property Management Company Can Help You

If you own rental property, you may enjoy the income but not the responsibilities that accompany it. Being a landlord certainly comes with both advantages and disadvantages alike. This may have you looking for a property management company that can help ease your mind. Understanding effective ways this type of business can assist you with your rental property can be helpful if your in this situation: Screen Tenants It's important to choose the ideal individual to rent your personal property to at all times. Read More