How To Protect You And Your Home From Scorpions
Scorpions not only look scary, but they also pack a nasty venomous sting that makes them one of the most fearsome pests in the United States. That's why it's important to know how to protect your home from these pests, as well as what to do in the case of a scorpion sting. Here are some tips to help you handle scorpions the right way.
Scorpion basics
Scorpions tend to reside in the southwest portion of the United States, preferring warm and dry climates seen in areas such as Southern California, Arizona and New Mexico. Although it's very rare for a scorpion sting to lead to death, it is possible to die from a sting from the Arizona bark scorpion, the most venomous scorpion in North America.
Scorpions usually hunt mice, birds, and insects, which means they usually have no interest in attacking humans. However, humans often receive a sting when stepping on a scorpion, attempting to handle a scorpion, or otherwise acting in an aggressive manner towards a scorpion.
Treating a scorpion sting
If you're stung by a scorpion, you'll usually feel an intense localized pain accompanied by redness and swelling. For most scorpion stings, applying ice and pressure to the sting is enough unless an allergic reaction arises. However, bark scorpion stings pose a special problem, and can lead to numbness, extreme pain, respiratory paralysis, convulsions and even death. Children, elderly and those with a compromised immune system are in special danger. If you notice any of these signs, you need to seek immediate medical attention.
If it's safe to capture the scorpion that stung you, this can help with identification purposes. Hospitals have a number of antivenins to treat severe reactions to scorpion stings.
Protecting yourself and your home
One of the best ways to avoid a scorpion sting is ensure you don't leave shoes, clothing, towels, boots, or other belongings outside. Scorpions like to hide in dark and cool places, which means you should check any clothing article or footwear before putting it on.
If you live in area where scorpions are prevalent, it's a good idea to always wear shoes outside. Scorpions are mostly nocturnal, which means it's especially important to protect yourself during the evening and night hours.
Scorpions often can gain access to a home through cracks in your foundation or wall, open windows, and doors that don't seal shut. You should ensure that any cracks are sealed with caulk and that your doors close properly. Ensure your windows seal properly and that your window screens are in good condition. Keeping your yard free from debris and potential hiding places is also an excellent way to make your home less attractive to scorpions.
Scorpions are resistant to pesticides, both due to evolutionary adaptations and their ability to hide in cracks and crevices. However, proper application to areas surrounding the foundation and other areas where scorpions are likely hide can be effective over time. That's why you want to use a pest control specialist with experience taking on scorpions to ensure any scorpion infestations are managed effectively. Contact a company like Select Pest Control for more information.